iOS SDK v9.0.1
[[IMService shareInstance].imClient createConversationWithName:@"临时对话" clientIds:clientIDs attributes:@{@"type":@"101"} options:AVIMConversationOptionTemporary callback:completion];
向一台iOS设备发送临时对话消息,iOS SDK显示收到消息,但是不走接收消息回调(didReceiveCommonMessage、didReceiveTypedMessage)。安卓设备可以收到临时对话消息,并且走了接收消息回调。
2018-04-26 09:52:11.947426+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309211] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [Line 1080]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM In Command ------
content: : {
cmd: conv
op: joined
peerId: "13800000002"
service: 2
serverTs: 1524707531860
convMessage {
cid: "_tmp:4ff7db682295de3483d8d588f8dda9f0"
initBy: "18059250129"
tempConv: true
tempConvTTL: 259200
------ END --------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:11.947867+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309211] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [Line 1080]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM In Command ------
content: : {
cmd: conv
op: members_joined
peerId: "13800000002"
service: 2
serverTs: 1524707531860
convMessage {
m: "15711589096"
m: "13800000002"
m: "18059250129"
cid: "_tmp:4ff7db682295de3483d8d588f8dda9f0"
initBy: "18059250129"
tempConv: true
tempConvTTL: 259200
------ END --------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:11.948253+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309211] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper sendCommand:]blockinvoke [Line 854]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM Out Command ------
content: : {
cmd: conv
op: query
peerId: "13800000002"
i: 4
convMessage {
limit: 10
flag: 0
where {
data: "{"$and":[{"objectId":"_tmp:4ff7db682295de3483d8d588f8dda9f0"}]}"
------ END ---------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:11.948659+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309211] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper sendCommand:]blockinvoke [Line 854]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM Out Command ------
content: : {
cmd: conv
op: query
peerId: "13800000002"
i: 5
convMessage {
limit: 10
flag: 0
where {
data: "{"$and":[{"objectId":"_tmp:4ff7db682295de3483d8d588f8dda9f0"}]}"
------ END ---------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:12.098705+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309211] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [Line 1080]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM In Command ------
content: : {
cmd: conv
op: results
peerId: "13800000002"
i: 4
service: 2
convMessage {
results {
data: "[]"
------ END --------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:12.099090+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14310164] [ERROR] -[AVIMClient processConvCommand:]blockinvoke_2 [Line 2157] Fetch Conversation Failed, with Error: Error Domain=AVOSCloudIMErrorDomain Code=9006 "Conversation not found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Conversation not found., reason=Conversation not found.}
2018-04-26 09:52:12.099130+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309211] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [Line 1080]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM In Command ------
content: : {
cmd: conv
op: results
peerId: "13800000002"
i: 5
service: 2
convMessage {
results {
data: "[]"
------ END --------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:12.099902+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14310176] [ERROR] -[AVIMClient processConvCommand:]blockinvoke_2 [Line 2157] Fetch Conversation Failed, with Error: Error Domain=AVOSCloudIMErrorDomain Code=9006 "Conversation not found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Conversation not found., reason=Conversation not found.}
2018-04-26 09:52:12.660699+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14310164] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [Line 1080]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM In Command ------
content: : {
cmd: direct
peerId: "13800000002"
service: 2
directMessage {
msg: "{"lctype":-1,"lctext":"这里来自Android的临时对话"}"
fromPeerId: "18059250129"
timestamp: 1524707532565
cid: "_tmp:4ff7db682295de3483d8d588f8dda9f0"
id: "Ej4SgzX8ScG8jv5R7_RHDQ"
convType: 4
------ END --------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:12.666392+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309226] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper sendCommand:]blockinvoke [Line 854]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM Out Command ------
content: : {
cmd: ack
peerId: "13800000002"
ackMessage {
mid: "Ej4SgzX8ScG8jv5R7_RHDQ"
cid: "_tmp:4ff7db682295de3483d8d588f8dda9f0"
------ END ---------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:12.666777+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309226] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper sendCommand:]blockinvoke [Line 854]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM Out Command ------
content: : {
cmd: conv
op: query
peerId: "13800000002"
i: 6
convMessage {
limit: 10
flag: 0
where {
data: "{"$and":[{"objectId":"_tmp:4ff7db682295de3483d8d588f8dda9f0"}]}"
------ END ---------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:12.863506+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14310164] [INFO] -[AVIMWebSocketWrapper webSocket:didReceiveMessage:] [Line 1080]
------ BEGIN LeanCloud IM In Command ------
content: : {
cmd: conv
op: results
peerId: "13800000002"
i: 6
service: 2
convMessage {
results {
data: "[]"
------ END --------------------------------
2018-04-26 09:52:12.863898+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14310176] [ERROR] -[AVIMClient receiveMessage:convType:]blockinvoke_2 [Line 2469] Fetch Conversation Failed, with Error: Error Domain=AVOSCloudIMErrorDomain Code=9006 "Conversation not found." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailureReason=Conversation not found., reason=Conversation not found.}
2018-04-26 09:52:55.605414+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309226] [BoringSSL] Function boringssl_session_errorlog: line 2871 [boringssl_session_read] SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN(6): operation failed because the connection was cleanly shut down with a close_notify alert
2018-04-26 09:52:55.605997+0800 TASmartApp[73854:14309226] [BoringSSL] Function boringssl_session_errorlog: line 2871 [boringssl_session_read] SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN(6): operation failed because the connection was cleanly shut down with a close_notify alert